Legends of the Twins (SVP4003)(1), Dungeons and Dragons


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Legends of the Twins
Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis, Chris Pierson, Seth Johnson, Aaron Rosenberg
Additional Design:
Jennifer Brozek, André La Roche,
Krister Michl, Clark Valentine, Trampas Whiteman
Cam Banks

Dale Donovan

Sean Everette
Project Manager:
Sean Everette

Jamie Chambers
Art Director:
Renae Chambers

Cover Artist:
Larry Elmore
Interior Artists:
Lindsay Archer, Daniel Bryce, Larry Elmore, Jason Engle, Michael Franchina,
Stacy Hausl, Alan Gutierrez, Shelly Loke, Jennifer Meyer, Keith Parkinson, Beth Trott
Sean Macdonald
Cover Graphic Designer:
Ken Whitman

Interior Graphic Designer:
Kevin T. Stein
Keith Parkinson used his brush and paint pallet to bring the world of Krynn,
its heroes, and its villains to vivid life. This book is dedicated with affection and
admiration to his memory.
Special Thanks:
David Miller, Joe Mashuga, Kenneth Reed, Luis Fernando De Pippo,
Matthew Blasi, Patrick Coppock, Tobin Melroy
This d20 System® game accessory utilizes mechanics developed for the new Dungeons & Dragons®
game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
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Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Dungeon Master, Dragonlance, the Dragonlance Logo, d20, the d20
System Logo, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast Logo are registered trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with
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First Printing—2005. Printed in China. © 2005 Sovereign Press, Inc. Sovereign Press and the
Sovereign Press Logo are trademarks owned by Sovereign Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Written & Published by
Sovereign Press, Inc.
253 Center Street #126
Lake Geneva, WI 53147-1982
United States
Chapter One:
Characters .......................5
Characters of the Saga ...............5
Playing a Role ............................5
Theme and Motivation ...................6
History and Consequences .............6
Alignment and Roleplaying ............6
Death ........................................7
Variant: Character Traits ............7
Using Character Traits ..................7
Trait Descriptions ........................7
New Feats ..................................12
Core Classes .............................13
Mariner ....................................13
Prestige Classes .........................16
Knights of the Divine Hammer .......16
Chapter Two:
The River of Time ..............19
Time Travel and Story .................19
Time as a River ...........................20
Parallel Histories ......................20
Gods in the River .......................21
Races of Chaos in the River .........21
Adventures in Time Travel ............22
A Whole New World ...................22
Alternate Characters ...................23
The Magic of Time ......................23
Spells ........................................24
Magic Items ...............................27
Astrolabe of Quantifiable Foresight ...28
Bracelets of Alluvial Stability ...........28
Bracers of River Defense ...................28
Eyes of the Historian .........................28
Eyes of the River ...............................28
Helm of Prescience ...........................28
Iron Nail of Iteration .......................28
Ring of Temporal Health ...................29
River’s Dagger .................................29
Sand of Impedance ............................29
Time Candles ....................................29
Artifacts ...................................29
Device of Time Journeying .................29
Globe of Present Time Passing ............30
Tapestry of Time ................................31
Chapter Three:
Eras of Legend .................32
A Time of Dragons .....................32
Timeline ....................................32
Locales .....................................34
Adventure Ideas ..........................37
Personalities ..............................38
Istar .........................................48
Theme .......................................49
Timeline ....................................49
Locales .....................................52
Adventure Ideas ..........................56
Personalities ..............................56
Dwarfgate Wars ........................62
Theme .......................................63
Timeline ....................................64
Locales .....................................66
Adventure Ideas ..........................69
Personalities ..............................70
The Abyss ..................................78
Abandon All Hope .......................78
Magic and Special Rules ...............79
Abyssal Terrain ...........................80
Geography .................................81
Adventure Ideas ..........................82
Travelers Along the River ...........83
Raistlin Majere ...........................83
Caramon Majere .........................85
Lady Crysania Tarinius ..................85
Tasslehoff Burrfoot ....................86
Chapter Four:
Alternate Krynns ..............88
Kingpriest Ascendant ..................88
Concept ....................................89
Theme .......................................89
Timeline ....................................89
Organizations ............................92
Knights of the Divine Hammer ............92
Brotherhood of Querists .................92
Knights of Solamnia .........................92
The Burning Robes ............................92
Blood of Mithas ..............................93
Locales .....................................93
Adventure Ideas ..........................95
Personalities ..............................96
Magocracy of Ansalon .............102
Concept ...................................102
Theme ......................................102
Timeline ...................................102
Locales ....................................105
Adventure Ideas .........................108
Personalities .............................108
The Dragonlands ......................112
Concept ...................................112
Theme ......................................112
Timeline ...................................113
Locales ....................................115
Adventure Ideas .........................118
Personalities .............................119
Hourglass in the Sky .................126
Concept ...................................126
Theme ......................................126
Timeline ...................................127
Organizations ...........................130
Knights of Solamnia .......................130
Refugees ........................................130
The Armies of Reorx .........................131
Silvanesti ........................................131
Raistlinites .....................................131
Locales ....................................131
Adventure Ideas .........................133
Personalities .............................135
War of the Darklance ...............138
Concept ...................................138
Theme ......................................138
Timeline ...................................139
Locales ....................................141
Adventure Ideas .........................143
Personalities .............................145
Age of Dragons ........................151
Concept ...................................151
Theme ......................................152
Timeline ...................................152
Locales ....................................154
Adventure Ideas .........................156
Personalities .............................157
Chapter Five:
Legendary Wars ..............164
Time of the Lost Battles .............164
A Brief History ..........................165
Forces of the Kingpriest ..............165
Knights of Solamnia ...................167
Orders of High Sorcery ..............167
Significant Battles .....................167
Battle of Daltigoth .........................167
Battle of Losarcum ..........................167
War of the Dwarfgate ...............169
A Brief History ..........................169
Army of Fistandantilus ................169
Army of the Mountain .................171
Significant Battles .....................171
Siege of Pax Tharkas .........................172
Battle of Dergoth ...........................172
Test of the Blue Lady .................173
A Brief History ..........................174
Blue Dragonarmy .......................174
Knights of Solamnia ...................174
Significant Battles .....................175
Pre-War Attack ...............................175
Initial Assault .................................175
Standoff at the High Clerist’s Tower .176
Battle of Palanthas ..........................176
Battle of the Citadel ........................176
Laboratory Battle ...........................177
Chapter Six:
A Legends Campaign .........178
Legendary Campaigns ................178
Traditional ...............................178
Time Travel ...............................178
Alternate Worlds .......................180
Legendary Themes ......................181
Time ........................................181
War .........................................181
Test .........................................182
The Anvil of Time ............183
(Adventure by Tracy Hickman)
Example Themes in Dragonlance ......6
The Mariner: What’s Changed? ......15
Describing the Abyss ....................79
Astinus of Palanthas ....................83
The Game ...................................93
The Purified ...............................97
Dagger of Righteous Vengeance ....120
Time of the Triumph ....................133
Magestorms ..............................134
Corruption of Dragonlances .......144
New Spell: Tear of Veil’s Parting ...156
Towers of High Sorcery ...............166
we like children, left alone in the house at night,
who light candle after candle to keep away the
darkness? We don’t see that the darkness has a
purpose — though we may not understand it — so, in our
terror, we end up burning down the house.
All this is the rich backdrop against which the story
of Legends is set. The story itself is about people — good
people and bad people and people who, like most of us, are
a jumbled mixture of both. These characters are designed
for those who may want to spend a little time developing
their characters in depth, coming to know them as people,
not just a bunch of stats. (Of course, if you want just
plain old wahoo adventure, there are lots for you here, as
well, including the gladiatorial ring, the Dwarfgate Wars,
Skullcap, and the perils of time travel itself!)
The dominant theme of Legends is blindness and
sight. Not physical blindness, though that does play a role,
but spiritual. Almost all the heroes and antiheroes of the
story are blind in one way or another: blinded by varying
degrees of pride, ambition, desire, jealousy, despair, or a
lust for power. Unless they can somehow be made to see
the truth, their blindness will lead to their downfall and
ultimate redemption. It is also about heroes who can see
the problems clearly, yet don’t quite know how to make
things right.
Other themes exist as well: the redemptive power of
love is another strong theme that runs through the books.
Think about all this as you create your character.
Incorporating these themes or others you find into your
portrayal of the character(s) can enhance your experience
and the experience of those who travel the world with you.
So, dive into the River of Time. Don’t go blindly,
however, but — like the kender — walk the world with
your eyes wide open to its possibilities!
Test of the Twins
by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
The novels that comprise Dragonlance Legends:
of the Twins, War of the Twins,
Test of the Twins
among my very favorites of all the novels I have written
with Tracy. In these books, we are able to explore in depth
two of the most complex and fascinating characters of the
Dragonlance world: Raistlin and Caramon Majere.
In addition, we are able — through the wondrous
miracle of magical time travel — to visit two of the most
interesting places and time periods in the history of the
world: the glorious and doomed city of Istar and the
wealthy city of Palanthas. We meet those who play such a
pivotal role in the history of the world — the Kingpriest of
Istar; the evil archmage, Fistandantilus; the dwarven leader,
Kharas; the tragic death knight, Lord Soth; and Astinus
of the Great Library. We meet old friends again: Tanis,
Kitiara, Tasslehoff, and Tika. We see the fiery mountain as
it falls upon Krynn and we are able to see the effects of this
disaster upon the world as we travel with our heroes to the
beginning of the Age of Despair.
We also catch a glimpse of one of Krynn’s possible
futures — a very terrible future.
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