Lesson plan 3a, konspekty język angielski


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Lesson Plan


Subject: Colour My World

Class: 4

Date: 25.09.2008

Time: 8.00-8.45



1) Learning Aims for the Students: to use names of colours, to follow comands

2) Teaching Aims: to introduce colours, to understand and follow comands


Stage 1: Warm up (4min)

Stage 2: Introduce colours (8 min)

Stage 3: Improve listening and speaking activities (12 min)

Stage 4: Introduce commands (10 min)

Stage 5: Practise commands (11 min)

Stage 6: Homework



Stage 1: Revision of classroom objects.

Step 1: Point to classroom objects.

Step 2: Ask individual Ss o name them.

Stage 2: Introducion of  colours.

Step 1: Show the Ss the coloured penncils you have brought, one at a time and present the colours.

Step 2: Ask Ss to repeat chorally.

Step 3: Draw the Ss’s attention to the fact that the Polish adjective purpurowy is not the equvalent of purple in English.

Stage 3: Listening and speaking activities.

Step 1: Ask Ss to open books on p.14

Step 2: Play the Cd.

Step 3: The pupils repeat idividually.

Step 4: Have the Ss read the colours.

Step 5: Ask Ss to look at ex2 on p.14

Step 6: Explain the task.

Step 7: Ss read through the chant and complete the chant orally with the missing colours.

Step 8: Play the Cd. And ask Ss to follow the chant.

Step 9: Play the Cd again and ask Ss to sing along.

Step 10: Change the colours to make your own chant! Sing it to the class!

Step 11: Explain the activity and make sure everyone understand it.

Step 12: Hand out sheets of paper and ask the ss to choose their own colours and complete the chant. Give them some time to work individually.

Step 13: Feedback- Ask some volunteers to sing their chants to the rest of the class.

Extension activity:

Hand out the coloured pencils.Play the Cd. The Ss listen to the chant and raise their coloured pencil everytime their colour is heard.

Stage 4: Presentation of commands.

Step 1: Mime and say the commands: Come in! Open the window! Close the door! Stand up! Sit down! Open your book! Clap your hands! Stamp your feet! 

Step 2: The Ss listen and repeat chorally.

Step 3: Repeat the commands, faster this time,making it fun for the Ss.

Stage 5: Practising commands

Step 1: Ask Ss to open books on p.15 and look at ex.4.

Step 2: Play the Cd and ask the Ss to point to the corresponding picture.

Step 3: Play the Cd again with pauses for the Ss to repeat individually.

Step 4: Check their pronounciation and intonation.

Additional Exercise:

Ask Ss to look at the picture “Everyone with red on, stand up!”. Focus their attention on the instructions. Read out and explain the game. The Ss carry out the instructions only if they are wearing something that has the colour you mention.

Stage 6: Homework- Ask Ss to do ex.2,3 on p.6,7 in exercise book

Materials required: Coloured pencils, sheets of paper.


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