Lesson 14 After an operation, English, MEDICAL ENGLISH


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Lesson 14

Read this dialogue between a doctor and her patient about the patient's operation. Ignore the underlined words at this stage.

Part 1

Answer the following questions:

What is the patient suffering from?

What is preventing her from having the operation?

What advice does the doctor give her?


Doctor: Good Morning Mrs Weatherby, how are you today?

Mrs Weatherby: Well doctor, I'm as well as can be expected in the circumstances. I still have problems with breathing and I still have pains in my stomach. When will my operation happen?

Doctor: Well as you know you are on the waiting list to have the gall stones removed from your bladder. Unfortunately you can't have the operation until you lose some weight.

Mrs Weatherby: I've been trying, but nothing happens, can't you do the operation, then I'll lose weight after the operation?

Doctor: I don't think you understand Mrs Weatherby, it is too dangerous to make you unconscious when you are so fat.

Mrs Weatherby: I’m not that fat doctor, I'm just heavily built. I haven't got fatter recently, I've always been this way.

Doctor: That may be, but to have the operation you must lose weight. You should also stop smoking.

Mrs Weatherby: But if I stop smoking I'll just get fatter.

Doctor: In the short term this may happen, but that shouldn't stop you trying to quit. First of all you need to reduce the amount of fat in your diet, you need to stop smoking and I really think you should start some form of exercise. You could at least start by walking more; you don't need to drag your husband from work to drive you 4 minutes to the surgery.

Mrs Weatherby: He knows how I suffer when I walk.

Doctor: Yes, but if you start gently, it will get easier with time. You really need to have this operation. How many times are we going to have this conversation? I need you to understand that this is serious.

Mrs Weatherby: What about my breathing problems, can't you give me something for that?

Doctor: Well if you take exercise, you should experience some improvement. I don't want to give you any medication at the moment. I've checked your lungs and apart from the damage you have done by smoking they're okay. You've got to listen to my advice and take control of your health. You're a young woman; you shouldn't be experiencing these kinds of problems.

Mrs Weatherby: Okay, I'll stop smoking as soon as I've lost enough weight to have the operation. Do you have any diet sheets I can follow?

Doctor: Why don't you go and see the practice nurse, she will have something.

Mrs Weatherby: Thank you doctor.


gall stones – kamienie żółciowe

bladder - pęcherz

heavily built - mocno zbudowany

in the short term – na krótką metę

quit – rzucić, zrezygnować

drag - ciągać

improvement – poprawa

take control of sth. – zapanować nad czymś

as well as can be expected in the circumstances - tak dobrze jak można oczekiwać w tych okolicznościach

suffer (from) - cierpieć (na, z powodu)

experience - doświadczać

diet sheets - harmonogram posiłków

practice nurse - dyplomowana pielęgniarka

Part 2

Phrasal Verbs

Replace all the underlined phrases with one of the following phrasal verbs, some may be used more than once. You will also need to change the form.

go ahead, take out, knock out, put on, take up, give up, cut down, start on, put on, look at

Part 3

Which of these verbs are intransitive(never takes the object) and cannot be separated, are transitive (always takes the object) and can be separated and are transitive and cannot be separated?


The drugs knocked him out. - intransitive

I want to take out your gall bladder. - transitive can be separated

I looked at the patient. - transitive cannot be separated

Part 4

Use one of the phrasal verbs in the box to complete each of the sentences. Decide if the phrasal verbs can be split.

1. The best way to avoid lung cancer is to ________________ (smoking).

2. If you want to get fit, you should ____________ (some exercise).

3. The doctor ___________ (the tumours) in surgery.

4. The doctor promised to _____________(the test results).

5. Scientists have __________ (a link) between smoking and heart disease.

6. My GP ___________ (me) on a course of antibiotics.

7. The blow to the head __________ (him).

Key Part 1

1. gall bladder stones

2. she is overweight

3. stop smoking, improve her diet and lose weight

Part 2

happen - go ahead

removed - taken out

make unconscious - knock out

get fatter - put on weight

stop - give up

quit - give up

reduce - cut down

give - start on

checked - looked at

Part 3

intransitive: knock out; go ahead

transitive, can be separated: put on take out; start on; take up; give up; cut down; work out

transitive, cannot be separated: look at

Part 4

1. give up smoking

2. take up some exercise

3. took the tumours out/took out the tumours

4. look at the test results.

5. worked out a link/ worked a link out

6. started me on

7. knocked him out


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