Lesson 05 Doctor's round (obchód), English, MEDICAL ENGLISH


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Lesson 5

Morning on the ward - the doctor is doing his rounds.

A. Look at the dialogues below answer the following questions.

1. What test will Mr Freud be having today?

2. What is Mr Thomas' condition?

3. Why is Mr Patel not happy?

4. Why couldn't Mr Wheeler sleep?

5. What happened last time Mr Jones was in hospital?

6. How is Mr Singh feeling?


Dr: Good morning everyone. Mr Freud, how are you this morning? Any pain?

Mr Freud: Well doctor, I had a lot of pain in my chest last night, especially when I was breathing.

Dr: I'll just check your breathing. It seems to be okay, you are having your heart echo today, so we should be able to find out more about your condition.

Dr: Mr Thomas, what about your legs? I can see here that you had a great deal of pain yesterday.

Mr Thomas: Both legs are much better doctor since you gave me those painkillers. But, I had a headache most of the night.

Dr: I'll make sure the nurse gives you something later.

Dr: Mr Patel! (shouting) Mr Patel!

Mr Patel: What, oh good morning Doctor.

Dr: Did you sleep well?

Mr Patel: I was sleeping very well until you woke me!

Dr: I'm sorry Mr Patel, but you know I have to check on you in the morning. How's your stomach this morning? I know you were having problems keeping your food down during the night.

Mr Patel: I was in the bathroom most of the night; I couldn't keep any food down!

Dr: We'll give you something to help you stomach, try and drink a little water this morning.

Dr: Mr Wheeler, were you able to get much sleep last night?

Mr Wheeler: I had few moments of sleep, several of the people in this ward were shouting in their sleep.

Dr: I'm sorry to hear that, but there isn't much I can do. Why don't you buy some earplugs?

Mr Wheeler: Thank you Doctor, I will.

Dr: And Mr Jones how is your chest pain today?

Mr Jones: Much better, thank you doctor, I had hardly any pain in either lung last night, I guess the drugs are working, but I was in hospital last month and the same thing happened, as soon as I went home I had lots of pain again.

Dr: Well, we'll keep you in for a few more days and monitor your progress. We need to run a couple more tests to see exactly what the problem is.

Dr: Mr Singh are you having any problems?

Mr Singh: Yes, I feel terrible, my stomach hurts, my head hurts and my throat is very dry.

Dr: Okay I'd better examine you, could you just pull up your pyjama top? Does it hurt when I press there? and there? It doesn't seem worse than I would expect for someone who was operated on yesterday, I'll come by and check again in a couple of hours. Have you eaten anything?

Mr Singh: I've had no food since the operation.

Dr: Well, eat some food and drink plenty of water.


to do rounds – robić obchód

to keep food down - nie zwymiotować

earplugs - zatyczki do uszu (stopery)

painkillers - środki przeciwbólowe

monitor - sprawdzać

lung - płuco

B. Underline all the expressions of quantity used in the dialogues.

Then put them into the following categories:


examples: a few pills

from dialogues:


examples: some medicine

from dialogues:

countable & uncountable

examples: plenty of pills, plenty of medicine

from dialogues:

two items

examples: both arms

from dialogues:


C. Now complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1. The doctor told me to sip a _________ water one hour after the operation.

2. The nurse warned me I might feel some loss of sensation in _______ hands after the procedure.

3. The surgeon had to amputate ________ legs.

4. The hospital admitted me so they could carry out a ________ tests.

5. In the end they didn't have to operate on __________ foot.

6. They gave the patient _________ oxygen as he was having problems breathing.

7. I tried to drink _______ water, but I kept being sick.

8. The patient couldn't walk even a __________ steps, the pain was so bad.


D. Without looking at the dialogues, put the following words into the correct order with the correct punctuation.

1. are morning how Freud any pain Mr you this

2. what Mr about legs Thomas your

3. the I'm Mr but Patel know have you check you in morning sorry I to on

4. Mr Wheeler were you able to get much sleep last night

5. is chest Mr how pain your Jones today

6. Mr any are you having Singh problems




1. heart echo

2. leg pain better, has headache

3. because the doctor woke him up

4. because other patients were shouting in their sleep

5. he got better, but as soon as he went home he was worse again

6. very bad, he has pain in his stomach and head and his throat is dry



from dialogues: few moments of sleep, several of the people, a few more days, a couple more tests


from dialogues: any pain, a lot of pain, a great deal of pain, a little water, much sleep

countable & uncountable

from dialogues: most of the night, any food, some earplugs, hardly any pain, lots of pain, no food, plenty of water

two items

from dialogues: both legs, either lung

N.B. a few = some

few = not many

C. Now complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1. little

2. both

3. both

4. few

5. either

6. some/a little

7. some/ a little

8. few

D. See dialogue



A man walks into a doctor's office. He has a cucumber up his nose, a carrot in his left ear and a banana in his right ear.

"What's the matter with me?" he asks the doctor.

The doctor replies: "You're not eating properly".


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