Lesson 23 interviews; a-the, English, MEDICAL ENGLISH


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Lesson 23

Read the following dialogues and answer the following questions.

Part 1

Dialogue 1

1. What are Mr Robinson's symptoms?

Dialogue 2

2. What tests does the hospital carry out?

3. What do you think is wrong with the patient?

Dialogue 1

Dr Singh: Good Morning Mr Robinson, what can I do for you today?

Mr Robinson: Thank you so much for squeezing me into your schedule. I've had a terrible headache for the last four days. Also I've been feeling quite feverish.

Dr Singh: How old are you Mr Robinson?

Mr Robinson: I'm 25.

Dr Singh: Have you ever suffered anything like this before?

Mr Robinson: No, I've got no history of any illness. I came back from India ten days ago; maybe I picked something up there.

Dr Singh: Was it your first time in India?

Mr Robinson: No, I was born there and I go back most years.

Dr Singh: Have you had a typhoid or malaria vaccinations?

Mr Robinson: No, I've never seen the need, as I said; I go there once a year and have never had any problems.

Dr Singh: Well let's have a look at you, can you just take your shoes off and pop up on the coach. Well I can't see anything - your blood pressure is normal, your throat looks fine. I can't do anything at the moment, if the symptoms persist come back and see me.

Mr Robinson: Okay, thank you doctor.

Dialogue 2

However, 6 days later Mr Robinson is rushed to A and E with the same symptoms.

Dr Winters: So Mr Robinson, what brings you here?

Mr Robinson: I'm sorry doctor, my mother insisted I came in; last week I went to my GP as I had this terrible headache and fever, but it seems to have got worse, my doctor told me to come back if things didn't improve, but when I rang the surgery they told me to come here. I didn't mention it to my GP, but the last few days in India I had mild diarrhoea.

Dr Winters: Okay, I've got your notes here - to junior doctor - constant left parietal headache, intermittent generalised sweating accompanied by chills, fatigue, malaise, myalgias and arthralgias for two to three days. His temperature is 39.5 and he is tachycardiac with a pulse of up to 120. He returned from India a couple of weeks ago, what do you think Dr Stone?

Dr Stone: I think we should get some blood tests and a malaria smear.

Dr Winters: Good idea. Nurse can you get Mr Robinson blood up to the lab? It's a priority.

A couple of hours later.

Dr Winters: Okay Dr Stone, we have the results back, he's mildly pancytopenic with a white blood cell count of 2,800 and haemoglobin of 12.1 and platelet count of 145,000. The malaria smear has come back negative.

Dr Stone: Well it could be typhoid or some type of salmonella infection; we'd better keep him in for observation and test him for those diseases.

Dr Winters: I agree, nurse can you get Mr Robinson admitted to the ward for observation and get some more blood samples to the lab?


squeeze somebody in - znaleźć czas dla, dosł. wcisnąć kogoś

feverish - rozpalony

picked something up - złapałem coś

vaccinations - szczepienia

throat - gardło

insisted - nalegał

diarrhoea - biegunka

intermittent - sporadyczny

sweating - pocenie się

chills - dreszcze

fatigue - zmęczenie

mildly - lekko, łagodnie

malaria smear - wymaz w kierunku malarii

Part 2

Now put the uses of articles into the following categories:

Article - Use - Example from text

a/an - to talk about something (singular countable noun) for the first time -

a/an - with certain expressions (once a day, in a week) -

the - to talk about something again -

the - when there is only one -

0 - with most countries, towns, meals, languages -

0 - with plural and uncountable nouns when you talk about things in general -

0 - prepositional expressions e.g. under control -

Part 3

Now complete the following sentences with the, a/an or 0

1. Many people pick up ___ Malaria in ___ Africa every year.

2. The illness is now under ___ control.

3. This is ___ doctor I was telling you about.

4. I have ___ terrible pain in my throat.

5. The nurse sent ___ patient's blood samples to ___ lab.

6. The patient had ___ white blood cell count of 120,000 /cu mm.

7. ___ test results you ordered are back from the hospital.

8. ___ nurses don't like bossy doctors.

9. 'That's ___ nasty bruise you have on your arm.'

10. ___ children of patients must not be left unattended on ___ ward.

11. ___ hospital trust awarded staff ___ 3% pay increase.

12. He had ___ CT scan last week.

Part 4

Complete the sentences below with one of the words from the box. All words have been taken from the dialogues.

squeeze somebody in, feverish, picked something up, vaccination, throat, diarrhoea, intermittent

1. I __________ this cold when I was in France.

2. I was lucky to get this appointment; the doctor managed to ____________ at the last minute.

3. My temperature is almost 40 degrees and I feel really __________.

4. I ate something weird in Mumbai and had __________ for a week.

5. It's a good idea to have a typhoid ________ before you go to Cambodia.

6. A sore ________ often goes with a cold.

7. The headache is not constant, more ___________.




Part 1

Dialogue 1

1. headache and fever

Dialogue 2

2. blood test, including malaria smear

3. own answer

Part 2

Article - Use - Example from text

a/an - to talk about something for the first time - A terrible headache, a white blood cell count.

a/an - with certain expressions (once a day, in a week) - Once a year.

the - to talk about something again - The malaria smear.

the - when there is only one - The lab, the ward, the surgery, the symptoms.

0 - with most countries, towns, meals, languages - India

0 - with plural and uncountable nouns when you talk about things in general - Ten days ago, typhoid.

0 - prepositional expressions e.g. under control - In for observation.

Part 3

1. 0/0

2. 0

3. the

4. a

5. the/the

6. a

7. the

8. 0

9. a

10. 0/the

11. the/a

12. a

Part 4

1. picked up

2. squeeze me in

3. feverish

4. diarrhoea

5. vaccination

6. throat

7. intermittent


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