Lesson 24 old people's home, English, MEDICAL ENGLISH


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Lesson 24

Four residents of an old people's home are having a discussion. What illnesses does each of them discuss? Ignore the gaps at this stage.

Old Age Ailments

Adam: You know I can feel rain coming on, it's the pain in my scar, never fails me, it's been aching for half my life. I'll tell you how it happened: I was in my 40s; I had to have an operation for stones in my gall bladder. They said it would be routine, but it definitely wasn't! It was a nightmare, I had a terrible time. I was in hospital for almost a month. I picked up some dreadful infection in my gall bladder after the operation; in fact I almost died. The doctor said it was a miracle I made it through.

Jane: That's bad, but it's nothing compared to what happened to me when we were living in 1) _________ Africa. My husband had been posted to 2) _________ Zimbabwe and within a month of arriving I came down with something really horrible, I remember it well, I was on my way to 3) _________ party with 4) _________ ambassador and I started to feel really hot, I had 5) _________ temperature of almost 40 degrees centigrade. They rushed me to 6) _________ main hospital in 7) _________ Harare where they found out I had malaria. I was there for several months, and you know it comes back from time to time, and I have to take 8) _________ drugs for it.

Marjorie: Well I've never been abroad or anywhere fancy, but the worst thing that happened to me was one Christmas, when I went 1) _________ my brother's. His wife has always been a terrible cook, but she thinks she's great, always putting 2) _________ airs. That year, she managed to give us all salmonella poisoning; it knocked me 3) _________ for a few days. She hadn't defrosted the turkey properly you see and we all had to go 4) _________ hospital. She forgot to take it 5) _________ of the freezer the day before - what an idiot! I gave 6) _________ going to them for Christmas after that I can tell you.

Francine: I've never had anything really bad; my life's never been in danger or anything - well not 1) _________ I came to this place anyway! 2) _________ I've suffered from irritable bowel syndrome all my life. 3) _________ it was just once a year, usually when I was abroad; 4) _________ as I got older it became more frequent. 5) _________ my 40s it was really bad. 6) _________, it's been getting better; I guess everything slows down in old age, even my medical problems.


can feel rain coming on - odczuwam zmiany pogody

never fails me - nigdy mnie nie zawodzi

rushed me to - niezwłocznie odwieźli mnie do szpitala

fancy - wyszukany

irritable bowel syndrome - jelito wrażliwe

Part 1

The following exercises are a revision of all the exercises that have appeared in these lessons over the last 12 months:


Put the following extract into reported speech.

I was in my 40s; I had to have an operation for stones in my gall bladder. They said it would be routine, but it definitely wasn't! It was a nightmare, I had a terrible time. I was in hospital for almost a month. I picked up some dreadful infection in my gall bladder after the operation; in fact I almost died. The doctor said it was a miracle I made it through.

Adam said that he was...


Fill the gaps with the, a/an or 0 (no article)


Fill each of the blanks with a suitable preposition?


What words does the speaker use to link her ideas? Fill the gaps with one of the words below.

after; for example; until; at first; because; then; lately so; before; however; also; during; but; until

Part 2

Find words in the text which mean the following (they are in order):

1. mark left on part of the body after an injury, such as a cut, has healed

2. small bag-like bodily organ connected to the liver which stores bile

3. straight forward/common

4. an illness usually caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria

5. having a continuous pain which is unpleasant but not strong

6. experienced physical pain

7. to reduce in speed

8. to send someone to a particular place to work:

9. made free of ice/ no longer frozen


Adam - gall bladder stones

Jane - malaria

Marjorie - salmonella poisoning

Francine - irritable bowel syndrome

Part 1


Adam said that he was in his 40s and he had to have an operation for stones in his gall bladder. They told him it would be routine, but it wasn't. He said it was a nightmare and that he had a terrible time. He said he had been in hospital for almost a month and that he had picked up an infection after the operation, he said that he almost died. The doctor told him that it was miracle that he had made it through.




1. 0

1. to

1. until

2. 0

2. on

2. However

3. a

3. out

3. At first

4. the

4. to

4. then

5. a

5. out

5. During

6. the

6. up

6. Lately

7. 0



8. 0



Part 3

1. scar

2. gall bladder

3. routine

4. poisoning

5. aching

6. suffered from

7. slows down

8. posted to

9. defrosted


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