Le Comte de Monte Cristo EP01, Le Comte de Monte Christo (Depardieu)


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{299}{417}Do you think I like being|the Count of Monte Cristo?{421}{509}He's a terrifying man -|ruthless and cold.{513}{660}I didn't want to become that man.|I was happy just being Edmond Dantes.{664}{751}I expected nothing more from life|But they ruined it.{755}{843}Villefort, Morcef, Danglars...{847}{964}...and even that worn Caderousse.|Who knew all but said nothing.{968}{1028}By killing the sailor|who asked for nothing...{1034}{1184}...they created the avenger who's back|for his dues. Too bad for them.{4906}{5001}I don't want your soup.|Don't bring me any.{5014}{5168}I don't want to eat any more.|I want to die.{6703}{6793}Don't be afraid. Help me.{6868}{6925}- Who are you?|- Father Faria{6929}{6959}And you?{6990}{7050}I'm Number 34{7055}{7232}But my name used to be Dantes.|Edmond Dantes{7236}{7296}How long have you been here?{7314}{7461}I don't know any more.|In the beginning. I counted the days.{7465}{7525}But I don't know any more.{7530}{7620}Today is 11th February{7626}{7686}11th February?{7699}{7879}Yes, It's February.|That's why I'm cold{7884}{7971}February, but what year?{7975}{8005}1833{8064}{8124}1833?{8171}{8261}I've been here for 18 years{8393}{8480}They robbed me of the sunlight{8484}{8520}They stole my love...{8544}{8605}...my youth...{8623}{8656}...my future{8740}{8800}Edmond Dantes?{8866}{8926}Edmond Dantes?{8942}{9092}I have a warrant for your arrest|by Mr. De Villefort, Crown Prosecutor.{9184}{9241}in the name of the law...{9245}{9282}...follow me{9566}{9687}My friends, carry on enjoying yourselves.|I'll be right back.{9691}{9721}Easy.{9868}{9955}This letter denouncing you|is anonymous.{9959}{10016}Any idea what you're accused of?{10020}{10167}None at all Prosecutor. I can't see|what harm I could have done.{10171}{10318}I'm just back from a long trip to|the East Indies on Morrel's Pharaon.{10322}{10382}Where you served as first mate?{10412}{10499}How did you come to take command?{10503}{10620}As I said in my last report.|The captain died of fever off Gibraltar{10624}{10711}Surely I'm not accused of killing him{10715}{10775}No, of disembarking on Elba{10798}{10826}Did you?{10830}{10890}Yes Where's the harm?{10909}{11029}The ex-emperor Napoleon's aide|gave you a letter?{11083}{11203}Didn't you know contact|with the former tyrant is forbidden?{11212}{11301}I acted on my captain's orders{11305}{11453}Before he died, he made me swear to|fetch the letter. I didn't want to...{11457}{11484}You're not a Bonapartist?{11488}{11639}I'm a sailor. - I'm never in France|long enough to care about politics{11643}{11732}How could I deny a dying man|his last wish?{11736}{11858}He was the sole master, after God|of the ship on witch I served{11890}{11951}Maritime law demands strict obedience{11979}{12036}Good defence{12040}{12101}I'm not defending myself.|The truth does{12114}{12174}I believe you, young man{12188}{12368}It's settled. We know what to think of|anonymous letters I get a dozen a day{12534}{12594}Unchain him{12733}{12820}- Am I free?|- Better, you're innocent{12824}{12911}Justice can't reproach your compassion|for a dying man...{12915}{13064}I'm returning you to your fiancee{13068}{13155}I'm going back|to my own engagement party{13159}{13248}What a strange coincidence.|All my best wishes{13252}{13310}Our fiancees may become friends{13314}{13404}They'll ruin us|at the same dressmaker's{13473}{13650}One more thing, Captain. This letter|from Elba do you still have it?{13654}{13661}Certainly{13828}{13945}Do you remember|the name and address on it?{13949}{14036}Of course.|I intended to deliver it myself{14040}{14190}A certain Mr. Noirtier,|13 rue du Coq-Heron. I think{14337}{14424}I intend to flee and reclaim power{14428}{14545}Eliminate Condenance|my most dangerous adversary.{14549}{14609}You have my complete trust, Napoleon{14650}{14708}Edmond Dantes. I must arrest you{14712}{14802}What? But you just said.{14836}{14953}Take him to the Chateau d'If.|Isolate him{14957}{14984}You have no right{14988}{15108}Quiet Very serious accusations|hang over you{15745}{15774}Stop{15778}{15899}Damn you, Villefort.|One day I'll kill you{16331}{16478}Villefort's reaction and sudden change|of mind was caused by.{16482}{16599}The name of the man|to whom I was to deliver the letter{16603}{16661}Noirtier, rue du Coq-Heron, Paris{16665}{16722}The name isn't familiar?{16726}{16813}No, I sailed off the coasts|of Africa...{16817}{16934}...rounded the Cape of Good Hope,|put into Colombo and Bombay{16938}{17025}I've never been to Paris.|I don't know anyone{17029}{17086}Noirtier's full name...{17090}{17207}...is Noirtier de Villefort,|the Crown Prosecutor's father{17211}{17238}He's reputed...{17242}{17299}...for his Bonapartist sympathies{17303}{17360}The letter...{17364}{17423}...must have been compromising|for Villefort's father{17427}{17486}That makes sense{17490}{17640}That explains why they let me rot here|without so much as a trial{17649}{17766}But Napoleon is dead{17770}{17827}Bonapartist conspiracies|are meaningless{17831}{17889}For Villefort, danger is everywhere{17893}{17983}If you're tried.|You'll talk about the letter{18008}{18155}For his father and career, Villefort|didn�t hesitate to sacrifice me...{18159}{18189}...and bury me alive{18193}{18250}Remember the other letter{18254}{18342}The anonymous letter denouncing me|as the Emperor's courier{18346}{18526}Since I've been in this hole I haven't|stopped turning things over in my mind{18555}{18673}I find it hard to accept the truth{18677}{18737}But for me today,{18742}{18776}...that letter...{18781}{18813}isn't anonymous{19570}{19687}Don't be ashamed|Jesus cried when he was betrayed{19691}{19751}People think they were tears of fear{19757}{19817}The fear of torture{19827}{19917}Maybe he cried|because Judas betrayed him{19930}{20020}Judas was his friend. Look what he did{20069}{20126}Jesus didn't take revenge{20130}{20280}He was God and had duties.|But you're a man and you have rights{21472}{21560}We'll report his death after our shift{21564}{21651}The night round can take him|to the cemetery{21655}{21776}We'll put him in a bag or the animals|will start eating him{22627}{22747}I sought and found Faria{22767}{22889}The most beautiful treasure{22903}{22991}Freedom, Faria{22995}{23085}I found it{23490}{23607}He's heavy for an old man|who was just skin and bones{23611}{23670}It's the ball{23674}{23764}We should have weighed him down|at the cemetery{28739}{28819}Are they after you? I can hide you{28901}{28961}We could have some fun{28988}{29018}I've no money{29027}{29191}They say I smell like the sea and move|like a mermaid. How about it. Sailor?{29240}{29315}I'm not expensive{29355}{29445}I've a woman waiting for me{30832}{30982}Father, open up please|It's Edmond. I'm in danger{31136}{31223}Excuse me, isn't Mr. Dantes here?{31227}{31287}Not for a long time{31293}{31350}Has he gone elsewhere?{31354}{31411}Yes, elsewhere{31415}{31442}Far away?{31446}{31536}Very far away. He's dead,|They arrested his son.{31540}{31657}...and threw him in jail so the old|man died. Of hunger{31661}{31933}When his son was taken away he|stopped eating He just wanted to die{31938}{32026}- it can't be|- To be with his dear Edmond{32030}{32087}with God{32091}{32118}Edmond wasn't dead{32122}{32179}He must have been{32183}{32300}Many people enquired about him.|No one seemed to know anything{32304}{32424}It was so long ago|What's the point of digging it all up?{32795}{32835}You look like a sailor{32847}{32905}Show us your papers{32909}{32936}- Of course|- Hurry up{32940}{33095}I've had to show them three times.|I can't remember where I put them{33148}{33270}What do you want with my grandson?|He's never hurt anyone{33281}{33311}Your grandson?{33326}{33448}Without him. I'd have died long ago.|Maybe I should have done...{33453}{33603}You mustn't talk like that.|Forgive us. We weren't to know{33607}{33637}We're after a escapee.{33643}{33767}You won't find him here.|All we hide is our poverty{34132}{34189}Why did you do that?{34193}{34280}I don't know who you are.|I'd rather lot{34284}{34374}But I did that because earlier,{34379}{34469}you defended the memory|of old Dantes{34830}{34982}I'm looking for Senorita Mercedes. I|knocked on her door but she's not in{34986}{35043}You must know her{35047}{35078}Mercedes Igualada{35110}{35137}She's Catalan{35141}{35264}Where have you been?|She's been gone for almost 20 years{35328}{35355}Gone where?{35359}{35446}They talked of Paris at the time,|I think{35450}{35481}She never came back{35544}{35667}What about Fernand Mondego, her cousin?|Maybe he knows where she is{35678}{35780}He's gone too. He joined the army{36862}{36952}Well, my friend|you're eating like a rat{36981}{37041}What ship are you on?{37070}{37130}No boat{37137}{37257}I was on a sailing ship in Malta|but it was wrecked{37263}{37443}It happens. The Jeune Amelie is|a strong ship and I'm a good boss{37464}{37494}An offer?{37508}{37565}One of my men was arrested...{37569}{37656}...and I've a meeting off the coast|tonight{37660}{37780}With this wind and a small crew,|I could use a hand{37796}{37853}- Contraband?|- Mind your business...{37857}{37914}...and I'll mind mine{37918}{37948}Will you do it?{37965}{38052}- Where are you going?|- Italy{38056}{38086}That's all you need to know{38581}{38699}The wind is astern, Captain.|We need a square sail{38703}{38730}Square?{38734}{38823}Yes. And slacken the jibs|There's not enough belly{38827}{38975}Sea bass stuffed with minced|langoustine and sea urchins...{38979}{39074}...grilled over fennel and|flanbe with aniseed liqueur{39080}{39172}Covered with a tomato veloute|spiced with... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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