Le Comte de Monte Cristo EP04, Le Comte de Monte Christo (Depardieu)


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{4266}{4326}Don't let anyone near the coach{4429}{4459}Albert{4547}{4604}Please we must talk{4608}{4695}Tomorrow at 6.30|in the Saint-Cloud woods{4699}{4759}Just one word each: "Ready?"|"Ready"{4829}{4919}Dear Count, I'm worried too{4923}{5075}But althrough I chair the Chamber|of Peers, I can't ask it...{5079}{5198}...to institute proceedings|based on mere allegations...{5202}{5231}...Against one of its members{5263}{5382}A member whom this article|was careful not to mention{5386}{5535}"A certain Fernand".|You must admit that's rather vague{5539}{5566}My grandson...{5570}{5597}...is called Fernand{5601}{5658}Dear Duke in tonight's edition...{5662}{5779}...'Le Messager' will reveal|The culprit's full name{5783}{5903}It won't be "a certain Fernand",|but Count Fernand de Morcerf{5938}{6025}I must warn you{6029}{6116}.It's true that,|since the Revolution...{6120}{6207}...no one in France is untouchable{6211}{6298}But to accuse a man|with the record of public service...{6302}{6389}...and the respectability|of Morcerf...{6393}{6544}Here is the front page article from|Tonight's edition of 'Le Messager'{6838}{6991}Forgive my curiosity, but|what is your role in this affair?{7022}{7093}And you calmly admit this?{7125}{7212}My calmness is only for appearances{7216}{7275}Inside, I boil wit rage and disgust{7279}{7336}Put my mind at rest{7340}{7612}What does it matter if revenge|goes hand in hand with justice?{8390}{8452}You're too late{8606}{8759}Dear colleagues. I would have paid|no attention to these allegations...{8802}{8889}Libel, then, to please the Baron{8893}{9010}But these allegations were signed by|eminent people who witnessed this...{9014}{9044}Felony?{9077}{9106}Silence!{9209}{9299}Mr. De Morcerf,|I didn't allow you to speak{9303}{9420}I'll speak anyway. There are|no rules against the insult...{9424}{9545}you relay|with such hurtful indifference{10006}{10123}They're all on his side.|If Albert doesn't kill me...{10127}{10214}...I�ll be charged with an offence|against national security{10218}{10275}You've landed me in a mess{10279}{10396}Morcerf thinks he'll win because|he's sure he knows all the cards{10400}{10457}But I have one...{10461}{10488}...he can't anticipate{10492}{10522}Please play it{10529}{10706}I'll go and get it. I need fresh air|anyway. You can't breathe in here{10710}{10771}Who are these witnesses?{10783}{10870}Old. Heroes from Janina{10874}{10935}So old they're probably all dead{10956}{11080}It's nothing new|to make the dead speak{11444}{11565}If you don't believe me, send|a committee of enquiry to Janina{11569}{11658}The Chamber of Peers|has more urgent tasks...{11662}{11754}...than to visit the Turks{11773}{11800}My dear Morcerf...{11804}{11929}...no one here doubts your word.|I don't anyway{12256}{12375}I'm at your service.|I've waited so long for this{12379}{12406}.So have I{12410}{12417}So have{12521}{12582}Bring back censorship!{12674}{12805}Gentlemen, today I'm the one|being attacked{12809}{12939}Tomorrow, it could be you or you{12943}{13042}Then our President|will be in the stocks{13046}{13073}And after our President...{13077}{13169}...maybe our King{13434}{13494}Back to your seats or I'll adjourn{13527}{13648}Attacking the press isn't enough|to defend yourself{13652}{13743}What is there to defend?|Risking my life in Janina?{13747}{13836}Acting with such heroism|that Sultan Ali Pasha...{13840}{13930}...whom they say I betrayed{13934}{13993}...rewarded me|by making me a General?{13997}{14088}Yes, but after he made you General?{14096}{14216}After? Well, the city fell|into Turkish hands{14220}{14279}How did it fall?{14283}{14343}That's the question{14657}{14777}- And your trump card?|- The queen of hearts{14901}{15031}Silence. I have a very important|announcement to make{15035}{15125}Someone has just arrived|and wishes to be heard...{15129}{15218}...as a witness in the Janina case{15222}{15309}We�ve heard enough{15313}{15400}IT would be indecent to continue|troubling the Count{15404}{15524}It's all right. Let us see the face|of the enemy{15528}{15587}I'd be only too pleased{15823}{15880}What's this sham?{15884}{15891}Is that her?{15895}{15932}Your name?{15936}{16025}Princess Haydee, daughter of Ali Pasha{16029}{16089}Impossible. She's an impostor{16100}{16127}Why?{16131}{16221}Because the Turks|killed the Sultan's family{16225}{16372}Yes, they all had their throats cut:|My mother, father and two brothers{16376}{16474}Only I wasn't slaughtered,|maybe because I was a girl{16478}{16568}Pity? From the Turks?{16572}{16633}This woman is talking nonsense{16665}{16784}Pity would have been to kill me,|not to make a slave of me{16788}{16849}If you're slave|your testimony is inadmissible{16856}{16913}She isn't any more{16917}{16926}I bought...{16932}{16962}...and freed her{16989}{17050}Which side are you on?{17265}{17386}The Count of Monte Cristo vouches for|the validity of your testimony. Speak{17390}{17519}She still has to prove|she is who she claims to be{17523}{17560}You tell them who I am{17594}{17634}A mad woman{17650}{17797}Mondego... You were one of the closest|friends of the Sultan and his family{17801}{17831}Did Haydee have any personal traits?{17894}{17986}It was so long ago.|How could I recall?{18001}{18089}Did she or didn't she have|any personal traits?{18093}{18151}She might have done{18155}{18276}She used to gorge herself on|those sweets called Turkish delights{18280}{18405}Her personal trait is that she|should now weigh over 200 pounds{18416}{18510}You really don't measure up,|my poor girl{18785}{18846}I was in Janina too{18878}{18936}Only for a few days{18940}{19060}But I had the honour of meeting|the Sultan{19064}{19094}This is about Haydee{19136}{19194}Precisely. I meet his daughter too{19198}{19258}- It's her|- You're drivelling{19269}{19331}Nothing new there{19376}{19463}I don't know if you've ever gone...{19467}{19504}...hawking my dear Duke{19508}{19605}It's a very exciting way of hunting{19609}{19698}Get to the point, M de Saint-Guyon{19702}{19766}One day,|one of the princess's hawks...{19770}{19928}...cut her right earlobe with its beak{19949}{19996}I hasten to add{20000}{20155}...it didn't spoil the beauty|of Princess Haydee of Janina{20539}{20705}Forgive us for this humilation.|It shall be the last{20716}{20805}Will the Peers of France|please rise...{20809}{20963}...as custom requires when we|receive a person of royal blood{21026}{21098}She mutilated herself{21785}{21845}Come down or I'll come up for you{21850}{21937}Go home.|Your poor mother needs you{21941}{21971}You dishonoured my father{22046}{22106}I swear I'm not relishing it{22116}{22173}I had to do it{22177}{22267}If you�re too ignorant|to understand this gesture.{22278}{22338}...it means I demand a duel{22368}{22396}I'm sorry{22400}{22430}Where and when?{22436}{22553}Since your duel with Beauchamp|is off...{22557}{22614}...I suggest the same place and time{22618}{22675}My witnesses. And yours?{22679}{22736}Maximilien Morrel and Bertuccio{22740}{22797}A trader and a servant|to humiliate me?{22801}{22891}I have no other friends in Paris{23386}{23533}It's raining so hard, I hope he'll|fall on his back, not on his face{23537}{23627}He doesn't deserve to die|with his nose in the mud{23654}{23741}Leave that. I'll finish it myself{23745}{23802}Go back to Valentine. I'm worried{23806}{23956}Don't be. The Villeforts are attending|a mass sung for Mme de Saint-Meran{23983}{24073}Isn't anyone singing for poor Barrois?{24081}{24141}Excuse me{25010}{25067}The Countess is here{25071}{25161}Mme de Morcerf{25165}{25224}Leave us{25701}{25761}Take a seat{25777}{25837}- What are you doing?|- Begging you{25849}{25879}What for?{25883}{25913}You know{25919}{26036}Stand up. You only kneel before God{26040}{26097}Like Him. You can do a miracle{26101}{26221}A miracle? Your son considers he's|the offended party. He'll shoot first{26233}{26323}He'll miss. He's no good with pistols{26332}{26359}I know{26363}{26513}He'll be nervous and his hands|will shake. It's his first duel{26542}{26578}Mine too{26619}{26739}But unlike your son|I'm a sharp shooter{26865}{26925}Should I miss?{26942}{26999}Is that why you came?{27003}{27093}Yes. In Gods name I beg you{27102}{27192}Tell me you'll do it{27270}{27357}That wasn't my plan, but all right{27361}{27508}I'll shoot wide and miss your son.|But we'll each have two pistols{27512}{27569}So it'll be Albert's turn again{27573}{27723}This time. The initial distance|of 60 paces will be reduced to 30{27728}{27788}Aim at me{27797}{27857}You'll see{28085}{28175}At 30 paces,|even if you can't shoot...{28180}{28270}., do you think you can miss?{28278}{28340}Sorry, Mercedes{28352}{28502}I won't allow your son to live long|enough to aim at my heart at 30 paces{28573}{28660}Then wound him... in the shoulder{28664}{28751}I don't know but stop this nightmare{28755}{28905}It's not a first-blood duel.|It's to the death. Your son denaided it{28916}{29063}You refuse everything. Why are you|after us? What did we do to you?{29067}{29095}I thought you knew{29099}{29189}How? What do I know of you?{29255}{29375}The other day on the river,|I thought...{29383}{29470}On the river. I thought things too{29474}{29534}But I must have been wrong{29541}{29661}He wasn't like that,|He wasn't like you{29665}{29725}I called you Edmond{29758}{29875}Yes, but why didn't you say|any more?{29879}{30026}I thought it was up to you to speak|I've been waiting for this confession{30030}{30120}Confessions are for the guilty{30125}{30185}You want me to say your name?{30268}{30418}No one has ever said my name|the way you do{30457}{30497}I remember{30510}... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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