Letters of Helena Roerich Volume I, AGNI JOGA


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Volume 1
Agni Yoga Society Inc. 319 West 107 Street New York 25, N.Y.
Copyright 1954
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission from the publisher.
Second Printing 1979
Printed in the United States of America
The original edition of this book was published in Russian in 1939 by the Latvian
Roerich Society in Riga.
The publishers extend grateful acknowledgement to Mme. V. L. Dutko for her
penetrative and sensitive work in rendering the first English translation. Without her
devotion to this task the present publication would not have been possible.
Agni Yoga Society is honored to present the
Letters of Helena Roerich
as an integral
part of The Teaching of Living Ethics.
"When the images of great historic figures reach us from remote antiquity they are
somehow assimilated in consciousness more easily. Even if they are veiled in myths and
legends, they are very convincing. With the passage of time, everything seems possible.
Writers and artists of all ages dedicate their best inspirations to these distant images.
Whole generations are inspired by these heroes and heroines. No one envies them, and no
one ponders at what cost the achievements were performed. What is preserved is purely
the record of glorious human ascent.
"It is not quite so with images from the recent past, to say nothing of the present time.
Take, for instance, the biographical sketches of the great men of late. So much that is
unessential, uncharacteristic, is mentioned regarding them! This only proves that the final
essence of their lives has not yet been weighed and appreciated. The most doubtful, the
least-proven details are invariably included; hence, the conclusions, if not altogether
negative, tend to be depreciative.
"Of course, with passing ages the scales will be balanced. The justice of the people
will remove much that obscured the eyes of contemporaries. The judgment of the ages
does not necessarily have to demean. Even in the short span of a hundred years we see
that a great deal has attained its own balance. The lengthy pages on which the great souls
were disparaged have not yet disintegrated. Our grandfathers witnessed how cruel and
unjust was the attitude of people toward certain manifestations which, in less than a
century, were to become the pride of their country and even of the whole world. And we
ourselves are now witnesses of the same.
"Beautiful images are passing before us of men and women who are the true creators
of culture. And it would seem desirable to recognize them immediately rather than
postpone unnecessarily. Why hide them in the archives and screen them from sight until
they grow into a fantasy of the folk imagination?
"Here, we encounter a remarkable contemporary figure, an outstanding Russian
woman. Revealing unusual qualities even in childhood, she is seen as a little girl secretly
carrying away a heavy volume of Dore's Bible. Bending from its burdensome weight,
hiding it from the grown-ups, she has taken the treasure in order to study the illustrations,
and eventually (when she teaches herself to read) to study the Testaments.
"From her father's bookcase, at an unusually early age, she also took volumes on
philosophy. Amidst the noisy, and it seems distracting, environment she was able to
develop a profound contemplation of life, as if she had possessed it long ago. Honesty,
justice, a constant search for Truth, and love for creative work—all this actually
transformed the whole of life around the strong young spirit. And the whole house, the
whole family, became directed by the same benevolent principles. All difficulties and
dangers were endured under the same stoic leadership. The accumulated knowledge and
striving to perfection brought a victorious solution of problems, and this led the
surrounding people toward the luminous path. Ignorance, darkness, malice were always
acutely sensed. Wherever it was possible, both physical and spiritual healing was
performed. Life became full of true labor. From morning till night everything was
performed for the benefit of humanity. The broadest correspondence was carried on;
books were written; works of many volumes translated; and all this was done in an
amazingly tireless spirit. Even the most difficult circumstances were conquered by true
faith which became real straight-knowledge. Surely, wonderful accumulations are
necessary for such knowledge! All young people should know of this tireless life as a
vital example of austere achievements, benevolence, and constructiveness. When the
difficulties of this inspirational work are known, it will be particularly helpful toward the
realization that incessant advancement can be made. Often, one thinks that everything is
hopeless, that good is defenseless against evil, so great are the delusions resulting from
human despair. Therefore, real vital examples are indeed most important; and we may
rejoice at the encouragement such an example as this provides for all beginners in
constructive work."
So speaks the authentic witness! We, friends and admirers of the
works of Elena Ivanovna
, can receive fiery flashes of her broad and wise contemplation
from her letters, for is not her whole life imbued with fire? The Women's Movement,
cosmological researches, the Living Ethics—all these can be found in her letters to
friends. Elena Ivanovna was opposed to the publication of her letters, but, we, her
numerous friends, have been exchanging copies of what were for us their most precious
indications. Eventually we came to the conclusion that, considering the demand for these
letters by an increasing number of friends and co-workers, it was necessary to publish
them in book form. We applied to E.I. herself, and at last received her permission. Of
course, the first volume consists only of a relatively small number of letters, or rather
fragments of letters, which in most cases are just the answers to various questions of co-
workers. The names of the co-workers and even their places of residence are not
mentioned, as what is important is the subject dealt with. As to the correspondents, they
themselves know whom the letters concern and on what occasions they were written.
Through the gradual publication of these letters, the breadth of thought of this
remarkable Russian woman will be revealed. In Russia as well as abroad during their
world travels, she always gave herself in service both to her own country and to
The Russians have contributed quite a number of remarkable women in various fields
of life. One can think of the names of such heroines as Kovalevsky, Blavatsky,
Dashkova, Volkonsky, Morozova and many others. From the remote past until now, they
have served humanity with their unusual talents and knowledge. The activities of women
have been recognized only recently, but already we can see the influence of woman in all
spheres: art, literature, philosophy, medicine, education, industry, aviation—in short,
wherever the new world is being built. Elena Ivanovna has always been hoping to publish
a worthy book, a bibliographical work, dedicated to woman. Moreover, she has never had
in view any estrangement from the world; on the contrary, she always thinks of the
broadest, closest cooperation, which would forever remove the conventional limitations
of ignorance.
Being privileged to present these thoughts of a wonderful woman thinker, the
publishers take great pleasure in giving to all seekers of truth and culture the possibility
of becoming acquainted with the profoundly penetrative letters of Elena Ivanovna
Prof. Nicholas Roerich,
Helena Roerich
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