Lesson 008 - Directions, Learn in your car french


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Lesson eight - DirectionsLe�on huit - les directionsLi��o 8 - As dire��es1) To the Right - a droite - � direita2) to the left - a gauche - � esquerda3) Turn right - tournez a droite - vire � direita4) Turn left - tournez a gauche - vire � esquerda5) Straight ahead - tout droit - direto6) The corner - le coin - a esquina7) At the corner/ to the corner/ around the corner - au coin - na esquina8) The street - la rue - a rua9) The side - le c�t� - o lado10) The other site - l'autre c�t� - o outro lado11) The other side of the street - l'autre c�t� de la rue - o outro lado da rua12) The end of the street - le bout de la rue - o fim da rua13) To the end of the street - au bout de la rue - at� o final da rua14) To the bank - a la banque - ao banco15) Here - ici - aqui16) There - la - l�17) Over there - la bas - l�18) Near - Pr�s de... - perto de...19) Near the corner - pr�s du coin - perto da esquina20) Far - loin - longe21) Far from here - loin de ici - longe daqui22) This address - cette adresse - esse endere�o23) Next to - a c�t� de - perto de24) As far as/until - jusqu'� - at�25) As far as the bank - jusqu'� la banque - at� o banco26) As far as the corner - jusqu'au coin - at� a esquina [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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