Language Test 2A, UpBeat, Up Beat 2 Testy, Microsoft Word Testy, A


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Language Test Student A




Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Read the sentences and complete the words.

0 This person types letters and answers the phone.

s e cr e t a ry

1 This person takes money in a shop.

c sh     r

2 This person cuts your hair.

h       dr ss r

3 This person drives a train.

t           dr       r

4 This person answers the phone and makes


r c pt     n st

5 This person fixes your teeth.

d     t     t

6 This person fixes your car.

m ch       c

7 This person is in the government.

p l t c     n

7 marks


2 Complete the labels with the names and

the prices.




watch – £35.00

1                 2




3                 4




5                 6



0 thirty-five pounds

1 six pounds fifty

2 forty-nine pounds

3 nine pounds ninety-nine pence

4 thirteen pounds seventy-five pence

5 twenty-five pounds fifty

6 ninety-eight pence

6 marks



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3 Write the shopping list.

0             1       2      3









4              5             6








0 peaches








7 marks



Grammar (20 marks)

4 Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs.

0 I usually do my homework on Saturday

afternoons but today I am playing football with

my brother. (do / play)

1 My mum usually        me to school every

day but today she              my brother

to the dentist. (drive / take)

2 Tom is              a letter to his grandad

today but he usually        emails to his

friends. (write / send)

3 We usually        home from school at four

o’clock but today we              late to

finish our English project. (get / stay)

4 Sally        in an office every day but today

she              her mum in the restaurant.

(work / help)





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