Lex Valentine - Entangled, mm


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Lex Valentine
A Goodreads M/M Group Love Is Always Write Event Novella
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination
or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.
Entangled by Lex Valentine
Copyright June 2012 Lex Valentine
Cover art by Winterheart Design,
Copyright May 2012
All rights reserved worldwide. This book may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the author, Lex
Valentine. This work may not be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any format without the express written
permission of the author.
This work contains graphic language and explicit sexual content between two consenting male adults. Intended for
adult readers only. Not intended for readers under the age of 18.
For more information on the author’s other works, please visit
Praise for Lex Valentine
“I love this author because she writes with such feeling and intensity and her characters come
alive on the page. Her dialogue moves me.” Reviews by Jessewave
“I am impressed by Lex Valentine’s ability to create a vibrant world filled with realistic
characters, giving them very real human emotions.” ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“Lex Valentine is an author that deserves more recognition than she gets…She is definitely
someone that you should pick up and read.” Night Owl Reviews
“Lex Valentine is a wonderful storyteller…” Love Romances and More
“Lex Valentine is an amazing author who incorporates just the right amount of sex in her love
stories…” Bitten By Books
“Lex Valentine is a great author. Whether it be her fantasy or her contemporary stories she
always brings the reader into her world and keeps them entertained throughout the whole book.”
Got Romance Reviews
“I love how Lex Valentine
brings so much emotion and connection to her stories. I love feeling
very invested in the characters. I really am looking forward to reading more from this author in
the future.” Two Lips Reviews
“Lex Valentine has quickly become one of the few authors that I eagerly await for their next
book to come out. No matter what she is writing I have yet to be disappointed.” Whipped Cream
The Love Is Always Write writing prompt from the M/M Goodreads group.
A close-up of a man with long curly hair standing in the rain.
Dear Author,
A rainy night brought him to me. Now, he sits nude, (wrapped in the smallest blanket I
found) nursing a brandy and telling me his life story. Which I'm not really listening to,
since I'm busy planning the way to make this straight buddy bend for meor vice versa, I
really don't care, as long as we end up tangled and satisfied. Please, don't think I'm a
selfish jerk, because my crush on him is epic.
Daren has been in love with his best friend Taylor for five years. One rainy night, Taylor
turns up soaking wet on Daren’s doorstep with a confession hovering on his lips. The confession
changes both their lives.
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